More Time Coding, Less Time Updating

Leiga shows devs their daily tasks right on their IDE screen, keeping them focused on pushing new work instead of updating projects.

An IDE screen used for writing code coding and programming
Graphs comparing individual performance on a computer screen benchmarks

Compare Actual Performance to Industry Benchmarks

See how your team performs against industry benchmarks and make the necessary adjustments.

Predict and Solve
Bottlenecks Before They Happen

Monitor and address potential bottlenecks before they happen with proactive notifications, and an AI assistant that gives you LIVE risk reports on every project.

a screenshot showing potential risks inside a project that would cause delays or bottlenecks
screenshot showing a task inside a project with a video attached to the work item

Built for Async
Dev Teams

Leiga is built with remote work in mind. Features like screen recording and AI transcription make it easy to collaborate no matter where you are.

Connects to your
favorite tools
... and many more

Switching from Jira? Unlock a

2X Productivity Boost.
Switch from Jira and unlock a
productivity surge!
Try Leiga For Yourself
Free forever. No credit card required.
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